Home Education 10 Education Apps Overview

10 Education Apps Overview

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10 Ed Apps Overview
  1. Duolingo: A language learning app that gamifies the learning process to make it fun and engaging.
  2. Coursera: A platform offering online courses from top universities and institutions worldwide.
  3. Quizlet: A flashcard and study app that helps students learn and retain information.
  4. Khan Academy: A non-profit organization that offers free educational resources including videos, lessons and interactive challenges.
  5. Wolfram Alpha: A knowledge engine that answers questions and provides computational knowledge to help with homework and research.
  6. Elevate: A brain-training app that offers personalized and adaptive learning experiences.
  7. Memrise: A language and vocabulary learning app that uses mnemonics and spaced repetition techniques.
  8. Photomath: A camera calculator that can solve mathematical problems by simply scanning them with your phone camera.
  9. Classcraft: A gamified learning platform that uses role-playing elements to make learning fun.
  10. Brainscape: A flashcard app that uses adaptive algorithms to help students learn and retain information more effectively.

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